Account & Data Privacy

Please send us a message via the Contact Us link in the footer menu and we’ll take care of it. Closing your account will stop all emails from, prevent you from logging in, and prevent anyone else from seeing your resume and contact information.

We do everything we can to make sure that jobs posted on are safe and legitimate. If you come across a job you think is a scam, please contact us immediately.

This depends on the job posting. Some postings include a link to an external site when you click on the “Apply for Job” button. In this case you won’t neet to register. For internal postings you will be required to register an account. But don’t worry, you’ll automatically be directed to the register or login page when you try to apply.

Your contact information and resume are sent to the hiring manager who posted the job you applied to. Nobody else can see this information, except for you when you’re logged into your account. If you opt in to the resume database, other hiring managers can see your resume and contact information, but only when logged into their password protected accounts and have a paid active job listing on the site.

Applying to Jobs

Yes. Resume posting is 100% FREE and will always be FREE. We don’t believe in charging people money to find a job or having a better chance of finding a job. We believe in a fair playing field and you should be able to get a job on your merit and not how much money you can afford to spend on promoting yourself.

There could be many reasons for this. Keep in mind there are normally thousands of applicants for a job and the hiring managers will shortlist only a few candidates. If you didn’t hear anything after a month or two, it’s safe to assume you didn’t get shortlisted. Hiring managers do not normally send out regrets. Keep in mind that since this is very competitive, make sure you aply to jobs you are truly qualified for and meet all of the job requirements. Also make sure your resume is well written and easy to read. Hiring managers only look at it for a few seconds, so you need to do what you can to impress them in only a few seconds.

Your resume will be immediately emailed to the position’s hiring manager. If you submit a cover letter, that will be sent as soon as you submit it.

Click on the “Apply for Job” button in the upper right side of the job description page. If the job is imported, a link will appear. Click on the link which will take you to external site and follow the instructions on how to apply. If the job is an internal posting, you can apply directly with your online or uploaded resume. If you are a new user, you will be prompted to register. If you are a registered user and already saved your resume on our site, simply click “Apply Now” and the resume you have on file will be transmitted to the hiring manager or recruiter who is managing that job.

Stay away from this and let us know right away. Any company asking for money is trying to scam you. Real companies NEVER charge for employment.

No. We immediately email your job application to the hiring manager for that job, and there is no universal way to recall a sent email message. If you’re no longer interested in a position and are contacted by a hiring manager, just tell them that you’re no longer interested.

Resume Database

Hiring managers will have access to search and browse through the resume database, so it is possible to get a call for a position even if you didn’t apply. This increases your chances of finding a job.

Saving Jobs

You can view all your Bookmarked jobs in you Candidate Dashboard.

Yes. You can bookmark as many jobs as you want. Just click on the Bookmark button on the job description page you want to save.